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Slow down animations

Slow down animations

If you have a sufficiently powerful machine and love the animations in Vista, you might want to slow them down a bit. Navigate to

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\ Microsoft\Windows\DWM.
Once there, create a new key by right clicking on the space below existing keys and choose New > DWORD (32bit) Value.
Call it AnimationShiftKey and enter the value as 1. After rebooting the machine, whenever you want to slow down the animations, press the [Shift] key before it starts.
Encrypting and decrypting files in Vista is a multi-click process which takes a fair bit of navigating. With a registry hack, this task can be done with a simple right-click. Navigate to

HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/ Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/Explorer/Advanced

and create a new 32-bit DWORD. Call it EncryptionValue and use the value as 1 there. After the system is restarted, you can get encrypting with just a right-click.
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