

Welcome to useful-article.blogspot.com, a blog on Computer tips and tricks. I will update new and latest Computer tips here. All Hacking Tips will also be posted.Beware, this site does not contain any virus or malware, all tips are safe and hacking here is only intended for hacking your own computer for speed and more advanced functionality. All the Computer tips will be helpful for beginners as well as advanced.

Restricting a Website - very easy

Suppose you wanna block www.orkut.com then or some other site like the below one

1] Browse C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc

2] Find the file named HOSTS and open it with notepad

3] Go to the last line - " localhost" - under that add www.orkut.com, and then that site will no longer be accessible !!!


C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc\hosts localhost www.orkut.com


If you wanna block more sites you can add more lines to this by addling 1 to the Loop back IP


C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc\hosts localhost www.orkut.com www.yahoomail.com www.gmail.com


Group Policy
Open Group Policy (Run -> gpedit.msc)

Go to User configuration -> Windows settings -> Internet explorer maintenance->
security -> double click Security zones

Enable security zones and privacy by selecting import the current security zones and privacy settings -> Click on modify settings -> Click on privacy -> Click site -> In the address of the web site tab add the site name you wanna block -> Click block -> click OK -> OK -> OK

This will block the site.
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